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A1クメール美術教育 8月12-13

A2クメール美術展示と国際交流会 8月14-16

場所:王立プノンペン大学 絆ホール


B1クメール美術展示 11月1日-11月6日

B2クメール美術国際交流会 11月1日









アジア最貧国となったカンボジアでは現在 小学校・中学校では美術授業は行われていない。アンコールワットを生んだこの美術大国がクメール的個性を学ぶことができないことは非常に残念と言える。クメール美術とその教育の復活を最大の目的とする。


















■主催:アジアデザインアート展覧会コンソーシアム 後援:王立プノンペン大学、その他
■場所:東京都世田谷区太子堂 1-7-57 昭和女子大学 80 年間 1 階学生ホール
電話:03-3411-4613 090-4261-4781 ,



開催日時:2025年8月12日-16日 場所:王立プノンペン大学 絆ホール


A1クメール美術教育 8月12-13 場所:プノンペン近隣小学校

・各小学校にてクメール美術教育 対象小学生1-6年生まで約300名


〇感染防止の取組みとしてipadやWIFI機材 を輸送し一部オンラインによる授業に対応可能(事前説明会も行う)。検査キットの確保や消毒なども対応。


A2クメール美術展示と国際交流会 8月14-16

場所:王立プノンペン大学 絆ホール


・クメール美術授業にて描いた小学生作品 約300作品展示



小学生・保護者・地元住民・関係者 約延べ人数名700名(作品鑑賞者含)






B1クメール美術展示 11月1日-11月6日 場所:世田谷区 昭和女子大学

・クメール美術作品展示 約50作品程度





B2クメール美術国際交流会 11月1日 場所:東京世田谷区 昭和女子大学


学生・一般・関係者 約延べ人数名250名(作品鑑賞者含)



     日 本      :昭和女子大学 世田谷キャンパス

カンボジア  :王立プノンペン大学 絆ホール


Invitation to The opening party and ceremony 


1:Exhibition Design Art of Asian Regionality and Climate in Phnom Penh2024 

-Classic / Avant-garde-


2:Lost Khmer Art Education Revival Symposium


Please participate in a poolside party, the opening ceremony and a symposium by all means. Please enjoy exhibition of the design and the art an Asian whole field person solicited.


A large number of Japanese researchers, Officer and specialist and Cambodian researchers gather, and we’ll talk about the future of the design, art and its Education.



Sponsorship: Showa Women's University International cultural research center.

 Asian design art exhibition consortium 

Representative  Tadamori Fujisawa


Seconding: The Cambodia Japanese Embassy, Toyota Foundation, Suntory cultural Foundation, Mitsubishi UFJ international foundation and Japan Foundation Asia center and others


Contact person: Loch Leaksmy ,

               Takakazu Yamada,


1:Exhibition Design Art of Asian Regionality and Climate in Phnom Penh 2024

-Classic / Avant-garde-     Summary: Asian design art is currently developing by absorbing the Western culture along with the rapid economic development, and a number of exhibitions are held for it.  However, it has been feared that the distinctiveness (regionality and climate) of Asia is being weakened, and it has been considered that the characteristics of Asia of different cultures from the Western countries will be more imperative in the future.  Consequently it has been determined to hold an exhibition at the Royal University of Phnom Penh by publicly recruiting and recommending art pieces from all over East Asia and Southeast Asia, focusing on both “classic” respecting the existing native, ethnic and traditional histories of the countries, and “avant-garde” which has newly evolved therefrom. Visibility and creation of Asian design art with abundant characteristics are aimed for by holding the exhibition and facilitating cultural exchange.  Our future vision is to hold exhibition in the areas of all over Asia. A “classic piece” taking advantage of Asian histories and traditions or “avant-guard piece” maximizing the applicant’s originality and sensibility are sought.Widely sought in art, graphic, product, video, fashion, architecture, etc.


2:[Lost Khmer Art] Education Revival Symposium   Summary:Cambodian culture can roughly be classified into court culture and popular culture, which includes many different fields such as paintings, sculptures, architecture and traditional dance etc. At the time of the prosperous Angkorian period, it had a great influence on neighboring countries and played a role as the core of Southeast Asia. In the subsequent French colonial period, beautiful architecture emerged in the city, which was admired as the "Paris of the East." Cambodia therefore retained its unique Khmer culture while developing Western culture. In the 1970s, many cultured people, about 3 million out of the national population of 8 million people, were killed by Pol Pot’s massacre. After that, Cambodia was plunged into civil war which continued till about the year 2000 and Khmer art was corrupted. As a result of Cambodia becoming the poorest country in Asia, their art education is even now, still not being carried out in the public elementary and junior high schools, even though there are needs for it. People who have an accurate knowledge and experiences of Khmer art are already quite old. If we do not hurry up, the historical verification and revival will become impossible. Even if we want to revive it, there are obvious shortages of leaders in Cambodia at present. Therefore, human resource support from Japan can offer a big contribution. Cambodia is currently making a rapid economical development centering on Phnom Penh while absorbing European and American culture. As a result of this, there is concern for the undermining of the country’s uniqueness. I think that Khmer’s individuality of having a different culture from Western countries is necessary for Cambodia to make further development in the world and for their future.   

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